Hello there! So, I haven't written anything in a while, but I found some more old poems I wrote. So I figured I'd share them... : )
I Know
I know that he loves me
He constantly thinks of me
Wishing I was his
I know that he longs to touch me
Hold me in his arms
Make me feel safe and warm
I know that he dreams of me
Pictures us married
Envisions our life together
I know that he honors our love
Remains faithful
Defends my honor
I know that he loves me
I just wish he knew it too
Realizations of a 21-year-old
When am I going to grow up
When am I going to realize
That procrastination is not the key
That staying up all night
Does not agree with getting up
Early the next morning
When am I going to realize
That the world doesn't revolve
Around boys
That things aren't going to get done
Until I take the time to do them
When am I going to realize
That extra money won't appear
When I blow my paycheck
On things I could have done without
That my house won't clean itself
When am I going to realize
That the fun and games are over
That this is how life is
He winked at me
Why would he do that
If he didn't like me
He smiled at me
Why would he do that
If he didn't adore me
He laughed with me
Why would he do that
If he didn't enjoy me
He looked at me
Why would he do that
If he didn't think of me
I loved him
Why would I do that
If he didn't love me too
He laughed at me when I told him
That I thought I was a Princess
That my life was a fairytale
A Happily-Ever-After
He asked me if I was serious
And so I contemplated
I did believe it all
But why?
Was I the fairest of them all?
Would my song attract the birds?
Or squirrels? Or mice? Or men?
Had I found my Prince Charming?
The man that rescued me
From an evil spell?
Or a wicked stepmother?
Was our love like no other?
A tale that would touch the hearts
Of those who heard of it years from now?
I pondered and I frowned
My life had been a fairytale
Until my husband told me it wasn't.